How to Pay Employees With Cryptocurrency Paid Members Public
Learn the benefits of paying workers with cryptocurrency,

Bitwage Launches New Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Payroll Platform for All Users Paid Members Public
Bitwage has been proud to be the world's foremost provider of bitcoin payroll, invoicing, and benefits services since 2014. Today, we took a step in making our product better for everyone. Our team of engineers have worked for over a year to launch an entirely new platform for

Bitwage launches USDC stablecoin Paid Members Public
The global recession surrounding the coronavirus pandemic has caused many people around the world to seek safe havens for their assets. While we have seen an increase of interest around Bitcoin, it is clear that the US dollar is still the safe haven king. Many currencies have weakened against the

LUBOMIR MUGV, June 29, 2019 Paying or paying with digital coins is the norm in the crypto currency sector. However, participants in many other industries may also be tempted to take advantage of decentralized currencies. At Bitcoin Cash (BCH), these are fast, secure and cost-effective transactions. Some platforms allow crypto

Employees anywhere in the world can now receive their wages in Ether through Bitwage. Paid Members Public
Salaries are the oil that keep our global economy operating like a fine-tuned machine. Since 2014, we have been the leader in Bitcoin payroll and have been committed to growing the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Our goal was to close the financial loop. By that time, merchants were already accepting Bitcoin, but

Why Bitcoin Payroll Will Lead to Mainstream Adoption Paid Members Public
There seems to be something standing in the way between cryptocurrency and mainstream adoption. Talk to any number of experts and they’ll tell you different reasons on why this is. But at Bitwage, we see Bitcoin payroll as the turning point for crypto (it's what we do)

(The Daily Hodl) Top 10 Blockchain App Ideas for Your Business Paid Members Public
June 1, 2019 Ved Raj Blockchain has created quite a buzz since its inception in 2009 by a pseudo group named Satoshi Nakamoto. The hype around blockchain has propelled major industries to invest in various applications. Businesses have been rooting for this ever-evolving technological shift to integrate their existing business

Refer Your Employer, Get A 1% Company-Wide Discount Paid Members Public
At Bitwage, we have always been devoted to introducing new users to the world of decentralized digital assets while developing real-world use cases for those assets. In preparation for the widespread use of the lightning network and an impending market bull run, we want to make it easier for people