(Cointelegraph) [SPANISH] Bitwage anuncia disponibilidad de pesos chilenos para retiros bancarios Paid Members Public
Por Fernando Quirós 17 DEC 2019 Bitwage anunció la disponibilidad de Pesos Chilenos para retiros bancarios, gracias a la asociación con Satoshi Tango. Así lo informaron desde la empresa a Cointelegraph en Español, el 16 de diciembre, a través de un comunicado de prensa. "América Latina ha sido siempre
(BitcoinExchangeGuide) Crypto Payroll Service Now Allows Chile Freelancers to be Paid in BTC, ETH, & BCH Paid Members Public
by AnTy December 17, 2019 Bitwage, s startup that helps companies pay their employees in cryptocurrency has added Chilean peso to its platform. Announced Monday, the company has partnered with Satoshi Tango for Chilean Peso payouts. Now, all consignment services from Chile to the US, UK, or EU will pay
(CryptoNinjas) Crypto payroll service Bitwage adds Chilean peso payouts Paid Members Public
Bitwage, a service that allows workers to receive bitcoin payments using the direct deposit system, announced today it has added Chilean peso payouts in a new partnership with Satoshi Tango. Now, all freelancers and workers exporting services from Chile to the US, EU or UK are able to receive their
Bitwage Launches Chilean Peso Paid Members Public
Latin America has always been an important market for Bitwage and the cryptocurrency market as a whole. We have been servicing customers across South America in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. We have been paying out local currencies in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico for
(Inside Bitcoins) Bitwage Allows Companies in the EU, UK and US to Pay Wages in Bitcoin Cash Paid Members Public
NOVEMBER 1, 2019 Ali Raza Bitwage, an international human resources and cryptocurrency payroll service provider announced that they will now provide Bitcoin Cash (BCH) as another payroll option. It will allow users in the EU, UK, and the US to convert a segment of their money into BCH. Employers also
(Bitcoin.com) US, EU and UK Companies Can Now Pay Workers in Bitcoin Cash via Bitwage Paid Members Public
Avi Mizrahi, 01 Nov 19 Getting at least partially paid with cryptocurrency is a great way to enter the digital asset market without having to do any trading. If you are looking to earn your favorite crypto asset, Bitwage now allows American, European and British companies to pay workers in
* 30.10.2019 For over 5 years now, Bitwage has been dedicated to raising awareness and growing the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Earlier this year, we began our goal to encompass a greater part of the cryptocurrency ecosystem outside of Bitcoin by launching Ether payrolls. Anyone around the world could receive any
(Cointelegraph) [SPANISH] Bitwage suma Bitcoin Cash a las posibilidades de cobro parcial de salarios con criptomonedas Paid Members Public
Por Fernando Quirós 29 OCT 2019 Quienes trabajan para clientes de Estados Unidos y Europa (incluyendo el Reino Unido), podrán solicitar una porción de su salario en Bitcoin Cash. Esta posibilidad fue anunciada por Bitwage a Cointelegraph en Español, a través de un comunicado emitido el 29 de octubre. Este