
US Companies Can Now Fund W2 Payrolls & Payroll Taxes in Bitcoin and Ether. Paid Members Public
Since Bitwage started in 2014, there have always been conversations regarding “Closing The Loop” in the Bitcoin financial cycle. The financial loop works as such: Individual obtains Bitcoin, Individual pays merchant in Bitcoin for goods and services. Merchant pays employees with Bitcoin. When Bitwage first launched, we wanted to close

(ihodl) Top Employers That Pay in Crypto Paid Members Public
9 November Dasha Fomina Longreads Editor Getting paid in bitcoin isn't unheard of for employees in the blockchain and crypto world. However, some businesses in other industries are starting to pay their employees in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. GMO Group Japanese Internet leader GMO Group announced late last

(Blokt) Exclusive Interview: French Crypto Experts Believe France Could Become Europe’s Next Blockchain Hub Paid Members Public
By Bonnie Conrad - September 26, 2018 As one of the wealthiest countries in the world, France would be a good guess as a nation trailblazing the way for blockchain technology. Reality proves a little more complex, however. Regardless, there have been signs showcasing great promise for the up and

(Bitcoin Magazine) “Real Users”: In This Italian Mountain Town, Everyone Knows About Bitcoin Paid Members Public
by Aaron van Wirdum 03.16.18 6:13 PM He's scribbling a series of 12 words on the blue paper handed to him by one of the two women at the other side of the desk. Marco is his name. Graying hair, blue jeans, and still wearing

(PYMNTS) Uphold Powers Cryptocurrency Payroll Paid Members Public
ByPYMNTS Posted on March 13, 2018 In the developed world of workers in the United States and Europe, the ability to be paid in cryptocurrency probably would not add all that much to their daily life. It’s novel, of course – and the “ain’t it cool” factor might prompt

(NewsBTC) Unocoin Partners with Bitwage to Enable Crypto-Payments in India Paid Members Public
GAUTHAM | DECEMBER 21, 2016 | 5:30 PM The Indian Bitcoin ecosystem just got a bit more exciting. Unocoin, one of the “Big Four” Indian cryptocurrency companies has announced its partnership with Bitwage. The partnership is expected to further improve Bitcoin adoption in the country which is already showing increased interest

(NewsBTC) Urdubit Bitcoin Exchange Partners With Bitwage Paid Members Public
JP BUNTINX | MAY 24, 2016 | 5:30 PM Partnerships are always exciting in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, especially when it involves two completely different companies working together. Urdubit, the leading Bitcoin exchange in Pakistan, has partnered with Bitwage, a company specializing in Bitcoin payroll services. Urdubit and Bitwage