Bitwage Adds New Stablecoin (cUSD) in Partnership with Celo Members Public

In partnering with the Celo Foundation, Bitwage is proud to formally announce the integration of a new stablecoin on our platform: Celo Dollar (cUSD). The goal of Bitwage is to empower global workforces by bridging traditional finance with the new digital era. Across the US, EU, and UK, our customers

Bitwage Blog

Getting Your Salary in crypto through Bitwage Members Public

Anyone being paid by direct deposit in the United States can sign up for Bitwage and get a bank account that allows them to be paid in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash. Employers can also reap additional benefits by signing up for Bitwage by withholding a portion of an employee&


Bitwage & Consultabit Launch Bitcoin Tax Calculator Members Public

In January of this year, we partnered with Consultabit to launch a dollar cost average calculator, The goal was to educate new and mainstream users on the benefits of dollar cost averaging and investing in Bitcoin. The calculator has seen a 700% increase in users from April

Bitwage Blog

Bitwage launches USDC stablecoin Members Public

The global recession surrounding the coronavirus pandemic has caused many people around the world to seek safe havens for their assets. While we have seen an increase of interest around Bitcoin, it is clear that the US dollar is still the safe haven king. Many currencies have weakened against the

Bitwage Blog

Bitwage Launches Bitcoin 401(k) Retirement Plans Members Public

As leaders in cryptocurrency payroll & invoicing services, we at Bitwage are always striving to innovate and push the industry forward. For our customers in the US, we have always likened the ability to get paid in Bitcoin similar to having a percentage of your wage be deferred into a

Bitwage Blog

(Cointelegraph) [SPANISH] COVID-19: ¿Cómo pueden contribuir las criptomonedas al trabajo remoto? Members Public

Desde Bitwage opingan que el uso de criptomonedas puede ser una alternativa válida para estos tiempos de cambios. ¿Pueden las criptomonedas contribuir con aquellos que utilizan trabajo remoto, sobre todo en tiempos de la pandemia del Covid-19? Desde Bitwage compartieron información con Cointelegraph en Español, que muestra cómo el uso


Bitwage partners with ConsultaBit to launch new Bitcoin dollar cost averaging calculator! Members Public

At Bitwage, we believe in the importance of educating new cryptocurrency users. In the past, we have written educational articles such as how to file taxes, how to earn bitcoin, and why you need a hardware wallet. One of the biggest advantages of using Bitcoin to receive any portion of

Bitwage Blog

( [SPANISH] Chile: Recibe pagos en USD, EURO o GBP y conviértelos en crypto o pesos Members Public

dic. 17, 2019 * La alianza entre Bitwage y Satoshi Tango permite que freelancers y trabajadores que exportan servicios puedan recibir sus pagos en moneda extranjera y pasarlo a pesos chilenos. * Esta alianza también les permite pasar su dinero a criptomonedas como Bitcoin, Ethereum o Bitcoin Cash. * Bitwage ofrece cuentas bancarias
