Jonathan Chester & John Lindsay

Founders of Bitwage

Bitwage Raises $760k seed round to build the Future of Payroll Members Public

We are proud to announce that Bitwage has raised a $760k seed round of funding from Orange Silicon Valley through it’s Orange Fab accelerator (subsidiary of Orange, France’s largest telecommunications company), Tim Draper’s Draper Associates, Halsey Minor’s Cloud Money Ventures, Max Keiser’s Bitcoin Capital, Saeed


Join the Bitwage Movement through the BnkToTheFuture Online Investment Platform Members Public

Greetings Bitwagers It has been an amazing ride so far. With over $1.5m in transactions since last November (and the current rise in the price of Bitcoin), we have no doubt that the moon is in sight. We are at the cusp of finishing a round of funding, which


Scaling Bitcoin, Slowly but Surely Members Public

The first Scaling Bitcoin developer workshop took place in Montreal this September. The “no exhibit booths, no distractions” two-day conference was actually the first major get-together of Bitcoin core developers and researchers, while a Phase II workshop has been scheduled for December 6-7, in Hong Kong so the Chinese miners


Increasing Your Privacy – Bitwage releases Address List payout option Members Public

The Importance of Financial Privacy Bitcoin was developed for three reasons; to fix the current inefficient financial payment rails, to provide basic financial services to the unbanked and underbanked, and to improve privacy within a financial system that requires giving someone the keys to your bank account in order to


Nobody Goes Full Bitcoin, Until Now Members Public

In a recent presentation at Plug and Play’s Bitcoin job fair, Balaji Srinivasan, co-founder of 21 and General Partner of Andreessen Horowitz, talked of the challenge of building closed loops in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Bitwage is dedicated to playing an integral role in opening up avenues for receiving Bitcoin

Bitwage Blog

Bit-Competition from IBM & Banks? Members Public

Spokesmen of the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have given complements to Bitcoin’s blockchain innovation over the past year. Now IBM seems to be working on a blockchain of their own – to work with existing national currencies and banks. Although still not official, an IBM insider told

Bitwage Blog

I’m Getting 5% of My $96K Salary Paid in Bitcoin: Here’s How and Why Members Public

I’m Getting 5% of My $96K Salary Paid in Bitcoin: Here’s How and Why I discovered bitcoin in early 2011. At first it was something that felt like play money and almost surreal. I didn’t fully understand all the details back then, but a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital

Bitwage Blog

Bitcoin origins, privacy, & derivatives. Members Public

Greetings Bitwagers. The price is on the up and up, and Bitwage is closely following. We have some very exciting partnerships to be announced in the following weeks, so keep your eyes peeled. Until then, our founder Jonathan Chester will be speaking at the Inside Bitcoins conference in New York

Bitwage Blog