When The European Parliament Called To Talk About Bitcoin, My First Vacation In Years Had To Wait Paid Members Public
One of the great things about running a Bitcoin and blockchain company that processes payroll for global workforces is that there is a frequent need for travel. The downside to this type of travel is that wifi is never too far away, even on airplanes, and I end up working

Your Wage Is Now Insured! Paid Members Public
Your Wage Is Now Insured Securing and protecting your hard-earned wages is of the utmost importance to us at Bitwage. This is why we have carefully worked with security experts through our public bug-bounty program and other private independent experts to develop in-house enterprise grade security. With the help of

Why Companies Like Orange Silicon Valley Are Working With Private Blockchain Startups Paid Members Public
Blockchain is the new buzzword for 2016. The largest, most secure public blockchain is the one used by Bitcoin, which has a current market value of about $6.4 billion. For many entrepreneurs out there, the alluring nature of the blockchain’s potential might be a new calling. Bitcoin enables

Is Bitcoin Dead? $1 Billion Says No. Paid Members Public
Bitcoin has been declared dead about ninety times since it’s release in 2009, but this time it’s different. Instead of a media outlet breathlessly repeating assurances from a banking sector executive that the first blockchain based virtual currency is dead, the source of the obituary was none other

How We're Trying To Change The Public Perception Of Bitcoin Paid Members Public
Had you ever heard of Bitcoin before seeing the title to this article? What do you know about it? That it’s a way to buy illegal drugs? That the CEO died? That it’s gone bankrupt? There are grains of truth in each of these statements. Those of us

How Questions About Terrorism Challenge Bitcoin Startups Paid Members Public
In light of the recent attacks in Paris that led to the deaths of 129 Parisians, the European Union (EU) and other international powers, including the United States and Russia, have been gathering to discuss how to curb the threats of terrorism, specifically ISIS or ISIL. Being mentioned in those

New Extended Public Key Import for Convenient Payroll Privacy Paid Members Public
Bitwage Releases: Extended Public Key Import for Convenient Payroll Privacy We previously released enhanced privacy options to Bitwage users by offering Address Lists. This design allowed users to upload up to 100 addresses for us to fulfill to. Some users were also asking for extended public key support to allow

Starting Bitwage, An International Payroll Company That Uses Bitcoin Paid Members Public
I became interested in Bitcoin during the fall of 2013, while leading the inside sales team for Oracle open source support in Kansas and Iowa. Our territory isn’t the first states that come to mind when one thinks of technology and financial innovation; our customers were the excellent university